Anticipate, shape and mitigate over $8B of nationalization threats in energy sector

Deploy market + company financial forecasting models to predict leading indicators two quarters ahead within 3% accuracy

Found and tracked specific behavior through text mining and natural language processing on $75M corporate risk exposure

Integrated engineering, social and regulatory risk mappings for public sector utility on $550M infrastructure project

Spearheaded high performance management, integrating key performance indicators initiatives to drive revenues and COGS to maximize profit

Correctly anticipated regulatory and market reaction on $900M asset purchase

Designed technology adoption strategy for new market entrant, creating over $36M of sales in first quarter

Identify threats to senior executives’ operational value chains 3 months in advance with 70-90%+ accuracy

Staved off $4B internal hostile management takeover through Board and shareholder representation strategy

Benchmarked financial impact of board memberships on corporate and sector performance to maximize financial ROI

Integrated sales and finance BI development for an average 12% YOY monthly revenue increase

Real time social media brand and engagement to monitor to optimize marketing communications strategy

Create emerging market macroeconomic models for near real time market forecasting and political/social risk assessment on $5B portfolio

Correctly anticipated legislation on immigration and gun control reforms for major industry associate months in advance